
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Artist

There were a lot of questions surrounding "The Artist" upon its release, all of which stem from the obvious fact that it's a silent movie. Could it actually hold an audience's attention through its entire running time? Would it be able to stand alone beyond the novelty of being a silent film? The answer to both questions is "yes". This is a funny, dramatic, and all-around very entertaining movie that deserves all the praise it's getting. The performances are great and the music and cinematography are incredibly authentic. You really feel like you're being transported to a bygone era of movie history, and it's a great ride. This is one of the very best films of the year.

Bryce ***1/2
Chase ***1/2
Landon ***1/2
Logan ***1/2


Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese brings us one of the most visually stunning films in recent memory in "Hugo", the story of an orphan boy living in the clock of a train station in the early 1900's. At least that's how it begins. Over the course of the film, the story becomes less and less about Hugo and more and more about the early history of cinema (a topic Scorsese is very passionate about). It's all done well but the narrative doesn't quite fit together as seamlessly as it should have. Incredible cinematography and visual effects, but it ultimately falls a little short.

Bryce **1/2
Landon **1/2
Logan ***


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Help

"The Help" is proof that a strong cast can elevate a film far beyond its material. The movie tackles some very sensitive, very painful topics and does so in kind of a glossy fashion. It could have easily been overly light-hearted and melodramatic if not for a tremendous cast that brings a ton of humanity in one great performance after another (especially from Viola Davis in the lead role). "The Help" is a breath of fresh air in a year that has struggled to produce many really good movies.

Bryce ***1/2
Chase ***
Landon ***
Logan ***