"The Hunger Games", based on the popular novel of the same name, has finally hit theaters and it's a very difficult film to review. On one hand, it's filled to the brim with tremendous performances (especially from Jennifer Lawrence in the lead role), some truly mesmerizing visuals and a chilling score. On the other hand however, it's disturbingly violent and provides very little closure at the end of the film, giving hardly any indication that this is the first chapter in a bigger story arc. It just kind of ends without wrapping anything up. The violence in the film isn't necessarily disturbing because of how graphic it is (although it is graphic by PG-13 standards), it's unsettling because it's against children. Your reaction to that violence will largely determine your enjoyment of this movie. In any case, it is undeniably well made and makes for a very engrossing viewing experience.
Bryce **1/2
Chase ***
Landon ***
Logan **1/2