A mere six years after the last Sam Raimi film, "The Amazing Spider-Man" hits theaters to reboot the beloved superhero franchise. Andrew Garfield is terrific as the famous wall-crawler and Emma Stone is equally good as his love interest Gwen Stacey. They have great chemistry together and are the hallmark of an excellent cast. The special effects and action sequences are equally impressive and give our hero plenty of opportunities to showcase his web-slinging abilities. The story of the film left quite a bit to be desired however. If you're going to reboot a franchise, especially such a short time after the originals, you need to bring something different. This movie didn't really do that. It is darker than the Raimi films and takes a slightly different approach to Spidey's origins, but ultimately doesn't feel very far removed from them. It's very well done and definitely worth seeing, it just wasn't the home run it needed to be to fully justify the reboot.
Bryce **1/2
Chase ***
Landon ***
Logan ***