
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Man of Steel

The last time Superman graced the silver screen was in Brian Singer's "Superman Returns" in 2006. That film suffered from too much talk and not enough action. Zack Snyder's new take on the character, "Man of Steel" suffers from the opposite problem. The action starts early and often with grand special effects and a heart-pounding score. It all looks and sounds great but somewhere along the line the story and characters takes a back seat to all the explosions and elaborate fight sequences. Henry Cavill is good in the title role and the star-studded cast surrounding him is great, it just would've been nice if the movie had slowed down and let us get to know them better. The film has one action set piece after another from the opening sequence to the final credits, only occasionally giving us moments of true emotional resonance and connection with the characters. Not a bad effort, but not the home run it could have been.

Bryce **1/2
Landon **1/2