"The average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so." -Anton Ego
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
LANDON ***1/2
Tom McCarthy is a force to be reckoned with. Directing a movie like "Spotlight" was probably extremely difficult. It seems hard to direct a narrative concerning a subject as sensitive as the child sex abuse scandal involving the Catholic church in Boston without stepping on a lot of toes. McCarthy pulled it off with flying colors. "Spotlight" is one of the most fascinating and engaging movies I've seen in years. A lot of it is due to McCarthy's sensitive directing, but a lot of credit is also due to the actors as well. Everyone is completely focused and into their roles, especially Keaton, Ruffalo, and McAdams, who are all fantastic. You couple all of that with a smart screenplay and some chilling music from Howard Shore, and you have what is undeniably one of the best movies of the year. "Spotlight" is a force to be reckoned with.
BRYCE ***1/2
CHASE ***1/2
LOGAN ***1/2
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
CHASE ***1/2
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" has finally arrived and it was worth the wait. While it’s not the best "Star Wars" movie (that award goes to "The Empire Strikes Back"), I do think it is a great addition to the series. One of the things I think the filmmakers did very well was captured the feel of the original films. The action scenes were fun, it had a great sense of humor and the character drama is done really well. It is a bit disappointing, however, that they borrowed a little bit too much from the original movie. That being said, my favorite aspect of the movie, by far, is that the new characters are fantastic! I honestly believe we will remember these characters as fondly as those from the original trilogy. They include Finn, who is super entertaining, BB-8, who is charming and funny and Kylo Ren, who is a great villain that doesn’t feel like the rehash of Darth Vader that many feared. My personal favorite character is the female lead, Rey. She is smart, interesting, and has great emotional depth. I’m really satisfied with this movie and I cannot wait to watch the next episode.
LANDON ***1/2
LOGAN ***1/2
Friday, December 4, 2015
LANDON ***1/2
I'll be the first to admit that I thought the original "Rocky" was a little overrated. You have some good characters and good inspirational story, but there was an emotional connection that was lacking for me. "Creed" more than makes up for that. This is one of the best movies of the year. Instead of Rocky Balboa, we have the son of Apollo Creed, Adonis Creed, taking the spotlight. Michael B. Jordan is fantastic as the lead character and brings a lot of heart to his performance. Sylvester Stallone gives perhaps the best performance of his career and certainly of the year as the aged Italian Stallion. This is a film that's sensitive, steady, and surprisingly emotional. I haven't even started talking about the fight scenes. They're all exhilarating and totally immersive. I'm especially talking about Adonis' first professional boxing match, which uses only one take and is utterly gripping and incredibly filmed. There's really no other way to say it. This movie is awesome.
CHASE ***1/2
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
We have finally meet the final movie of the popular Hunger Games franchise. Just like in the fashion that most franchises are taking, they split the last story into two movies. While I hate the idea of them splitting the movie in two, what the filmmakers did with the last one was actually well done. A huge part of it has to be in thanks of the good actors that we have, especially Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss as she gives a really good and surprisingly emotional performance. They also do a lot of interesting action scenes to keep the movie engaging and even intense. It's also satisfying on how they wrapped everything up and it feel really fitting on how everything concluded. It's not the best one of the franchise, but it did a good job to make itself an entertaining movie, despite stretching the story more than they should.
BRYCE **1/2
Monday, November 30, 2015
The Good Dinosaur
Pixar returns with a story about dinosaurs this time around. The little apatosaurus, Arlo, wants to find his place in life and prove that he can be strong. When he suddenly gets separated from home, he teams up with a human boy named Spot so they can help each other return home. The concept of the movie is very strange, as it depicts apatosaurus' as farmers and t-rex's as cowboys, rounding up other dinosaurs. However, the animation is breathtaking to look at, almost looking as if it was a live action film (aside from the characters of course). The characters are likable and have very good chemistry, and establish a good emotional connection. But the movie veers from the storyline at times, and not only does it feel slow, but much of the story feels pointless. This isn't one of Pixar's best movies, especially compared to "Inside Out" that came out the same year, but it is an enjoyable movie that provides a good time.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
The Peanuts Movie
This is certainly a very interesting movie to say the least. First of all, I haven't talked to anyone who doesn't like the Peanuts and all the characters associated with the brand. Each one is memorable in their own way. Usually when a studio gets their mitts on a classic property like this, they find some way to ruin it. Usually by trying to modernize the characters and situations in an effort to make it "hip" for today's kids. Thankfully, Blue Sky has treated the source material with as much respect as possible and it really shows on screen. This is a really enjoyable movie that had me smiling from beginning to end. It has a great sense of humor and is very charming. All the classic characters that we know and love (except for maybe Lucy) are here and they haven't changed a bit. They are classic characters for a reason and the filmmakers have done a great job translating them to the big screen. My favorite aspect of the movie is that the computer animation is implemented in a way that compliments the source material and looks both modern and classic at the same time. The visuals are simply revolutionary and I applaud the animators for their innovative work. The only negative I can think of is that some of the side stories seem to be there solely to pad the running time. Segments like Snoopy's Red Baron adventures and other series call-backs are entertaining, but they feel out of place and a bit forced. That being said, there is definitely something for everyone, both young and old, and that really works to the film's advantage. If you're a fan of the "Peanuts" on any level, you'll definitely like this film. It's a lot of fun.
Friday, November 6, 2015
The Walk
LOGAN ***1/2
Despite its lackluster showing at the box office, I thought "The Walk" was a great movie! Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as Philippe, a European circus performer who wants to walk across a tightrope between the World Trade Center towers in the 70's. Although the time it takes to build up to preparing for the climactic walk is kind of slow, there is a lot to like about this movie. First off, it has some great acting, particularly from the french-accented Joseph Gordon Levitt and Ben Kingsley who were very convincing in their respective roles as the circus performer and his mentor. The visual effects are absolutely stunning, as they are in all of Robert Zemeckis' movies, not one effect felt fake or out of place. Lastly, it is an intense ride. This movie will have you on the edge of your seat when the second half of the movie rolls around, from the time that they prepare the tightrope, up until the actual act. Robert Zemeckis still proves that he is a great director with this underrated flick.
CHASE ***1/2
LANDON ***1/2
Monday, November 2, 2015
Bridge of Spies
LOGAN ***1/2
Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks team up yet again in "Bridge of Spies," a historical thriller about an American attorney acting as a negotiator between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Tom Hanks gives one of his classic, everyman performances that makes his character easy to root for because he's such a great actor. Besides that, there is a lot of talking in this movie. It's similar to Spielberg's last film, "Lincoln," in that sense. However, like Lincoln, the pacing of the movie is solid, it keeps you on the edge of your seat, and the screenwriting is great (from the Coen brothers), and provides some very intense moments and some light-hearted moments as well. Some of the movie can seem pretty long, it especially the drags at the end and without John Williams, the music doesn't leave much of an impact. But the directing is superb by the great Steven Spielberg. This is a must-see movie.
LANDON ***1/2
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Steve Jobs
LOGAN ***1/2
Danny Boyle returns to make an engrossing biopic about Steve Jobs. Portrayed by Michael Fassbender, we see what kind of a man Steve Jobs was, his brilliance as well as his faults. Michael Fassbender gives, arguably, the best performance of the year so far, as he transforms into the computer mogul that tries his best to revolutionize the tech industry. The rest of the cast was great too, each being invested in their roles backed by another great screenplay by Andy Sorkin to boot. These elements combine to make Steve Jobs a very fascinating and enjoyable movie. It knows when to be funny, and it knows when to be intense and serious. And it is intense! The movie is separated into 3 moments in Steve Jobs' life, and I would say the last part is the least engaging, as you've already caught on to the pattern and it basically follows the 2 previous acts step-by-step. Plus, there are some arguments and flashbacks in the movie that can be very hard to follow because they move so fast. However, with all that being said, "Steve Jobs" is intense, funny and fascinating and certainly should be in the running for best picture at the Oscars at the end of the year.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
The Martian
LOGAN ***1/2
Ridley Scott's latest movie is another sci-fi flick, only this one is a lot more light-hearted than those he's made in the past. This is a good thing. "The Martian" could be described as a cross between "Cast Away" and "Apollo 13." Mark Watney gets stranded on Mars and has to not only find a way to survive, but figure out how to communicate with NASA. Usually this would be tragic, but the movie is surprisingly really funny, as Matt Damon pulls off a great performance as this brilliant scientist trapped in an extremely difficult situation. The other cast members do a really good job too, such as Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Eijofor and others. Even though some of the movie felt pretty slow, and definitely could've been trimmed a bit, it really gives you a connection with Mark Watney. You feel like Mars is a place that you would like to visit and avoid all at the same time. It's interesting, funny, and engaging: a must-see movie.
CHASE ***1/2
Thursday, October 22, 2015
CHASE *1/2
Going into this movie, I wasn't expecting much from "Pan." I felt that telling a story about Peter Pan, even if it is an origin story, felt a little stale. But the more I thought about it, the more I felt that a story like that could potentially breathe some fresh air into the classic story. Unfortunately, it felt like this movie did everything it could to get in the way in of that potential, which is a shame because I felt that there were some people involved that actually tried in what was ultimately a failed project. The story, obviously, is about how Peter Pan came to Neverland and became the person we all know and love. I will give the movie this: there are moments that actually did work. There are some settings that looked pretty cool and I thought the actor who played the titular character, Levi Miller, made a good Peter. Also, I honestly think the guy who played James Hook wasn't half bad, but I think that's a personal preference. Everything else, especially from a screenwriting and visual stand point, was appalling. One huge aspect of the movie that personally drove me nuts is that they turned Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up, into a prophesied "chosen one" type of character. This wouldn't bother me so much if the majority of the plot didn't hinge on that aspect. It felt lazy and they made him more important than they should. On top of that, the CGI, and all the special effects in this movie sucked. Most of the creatures and stunt work looked so incredibly fake and even laughable that it took me out of the experience. Overall, "Pan" is not a good movie by any means. I suggest that you skip it, even if you are a fan of Peter Pan.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Pawn Sacrifice
Director Edward Zwick, who directed of one of my favorite movies "Glory," has brought us a story about the man considered the best chess player of all time, Bobby Fischer. The story shows his amazing skill in chess, as well as his extremely paranoid attitude towards pretty much everything. Toby Maguire portrays Bobby Fischer, and he did a great job in the role, capturing the eccentric genius that Bobby Fischer was. The rest of the acting is well done also. The tension of some of the chess games can be pretty thrilling, and it's just overall an interesting story. However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't bored a little bit in some parts. I was checking the time during a few stretches wondering when the plot will get moving. But the biggest flaw with the movie is that there isn't much of a connection we can make with Bobby Fischer on an emotional level and the one of the biggest reasons for this is his paranoia. I still don't fully understand why he's so paranoid, and the movie doesn't really focus on that nearly enough in the beginning. Nevertheless, this is a compelling story that I recommend watching.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
"Everest" does not push any new boundaries when it comes to these types of survival thrillers. The story starts out pretty slow and the pacing is not very balanced. One moment the characters are in a village in Nepal talking about how they're going to climb the mountain, then literally the very next scene, they'll be halfway to the top. Suffice it to say, nothing really happens in the movie until they actually reach the top. Before that, the emotional moments are very quick and feel unimportant to the story. However, when disaster does strike on the mountain the movie really picks up and becomes pretty exciting. With intense and memorable music, impressive visual effects and high tension in the second half, I would recommend watching this movie. Bear with the first half, it pays off in the end. Overall, it's a good movie.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Shaun the Sheep Movie
"Shaun the Sheep Movie" is one of the simplest movies you'll ever see, but that simplicity really works to its advantage. Created by the same guys who made "Wallace and Gromit," "Shaun the Sheep Movie" is a new claymation movie based on the hit TV show in Britain by the same name. The story is about the farm sheep and the dog Bitzer, led by Shaun the Sheep, who are trying to find their owner who is lost in the big city. One important thing to know going in to the movie is that none of the characters have any dialogue whatsoever, including the human characters, who can only communicate through mumbling. But because of the way that they are able to express their emotions, this really works well and ends up contributing to the film's charm. As you might expect from Aardman Animations, this is a really funny movie with some really clever gags and physical humor throughout. With that said, this is not a film that's going to break any new ground, as it's supposed to be a really simple movie. It's not great by any means, but it didn't need to be as it has a lot of charm that carries the whole movie. This is a movie that a lot of people can really enjoy. "Shaun the Sheep Movie" is a lot of fun.
BRYCE **1/2
Friday, September 18, 2015
Terminator Genisys
Arnold Schwarzenegger is back as the veteran Terminator as we have our fifth installment in the franchise: Terminator Genysis. The first two movies were really good as they were influential to action and sci-fi movies. This movie, however, is nowhere near as good as the first two. The story in this movie is extremely confusing to the point where I wonder if the screenwriters have any idea what's going on. Not only is the plot super convoluted as the story goes on, but it's not really that interesting. The characters doesn't really do a whole lot for me, even though I know that the actors are trying their best. The best parts of the movie is that Arnold Schwarzenegger is entertaining as the aged Terminator and some of the action scenes are actually well handled and nice to look at. But it's own script and story doesn't really help it a whole lot and it comes off as just uninspiring. While not the worst movie, it could've been a whole lot more. This is definitely a skip.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Inside Out

BRYCE ***1/2
It's been a few years since Pixar delivered an original film worthy of their reputation which has prompted many to question whether the once unequaled studio still has it in them. With "Inside Out" they have unequivocally declared that they still have the magic. Director Pete Docter (who also made "Up," the last great original Pixar film) brilliantly tells an innovative coming-of-age story that achieves that uncommon balance of being equally engaging for both kids and adults. A strong voice cast brings to life the unforgettable characters that are sure to be classics and Michael Giacchino cranks out yet another beautiful score, sure to net him another Oscar nomination. This is a beautifully animated, refreshingly creative, emotionally resonate and laugh-out-loud hilarious film that is among the very best Pixar has ever produced.
CHASE ****
Honestly, since we've been doing this blog, I haven't seen a movie that enthralled me quite like "Inside Out." I absolutely loved the story and the world of Riley's mind which feels so fresh and exciting. I love all the characters that are involved in the story. Each one feels relatable and fun to spend time with. But the thing that I loved most about the movie is its story concerning the balancing of emotions, as it had a great balance of the happy and sad moments. The happy moments come not only from the funny scenes, but from the beautiful visuals, creative ideas and the love each emotion has for Riley. But it balances out the sad moments as it deals with growing up, letting go of your childhood and the importance of family. In a very clever and beautiful way, they were able to connect both Joy and Sadness and make the movie all the more powerful and the experience all the more satisfying. "Inside Out" is not only my favorite Pixar, Disney and animated movie, it is one of my favorite movies I've ever seen.
LOGAN ****
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
CHASE ***1/2
Last night, I watched "Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation" with my brother in IMAX and I have to say, I am super impressed with this movie. It's about Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) trying to find an organization that's like the IMF called the Syndicate that has gone rogue and he and his team are trying to stop them from terrorizing many countries. The action scenes are absolutely great to watch and they add a level of intensity that had me at the edge of my seat (even if some of the scenes went a little over the top). The characters, both old and new, had something interesting about them, whether they pull off some good stunts or just have a good sense of humor. And the way the story progressed is really engaging and rarely left me bored. I think out of the "Mission: Impossible" movies that have been released since the first one, this is the strongest one (even though I really like the last two) Those who like the franchise or even action movies should watch "Rogue Nation."
Friday, July 31, 2015
We've officially hit a snag. That pretty much sums up my thoughts on Marvel's latest comic book outing. "Ant-Man" is as worthless as you can possibly get. Not to say that there isn't at least some redeeming qualities to it. The visuals are actually pretty good, it'll make you laugh every once in a while (Michael Pena is the funniest character in the movie) and there are admittedly a few cool sequences. But the ultimate question I had to ask myself after the movie was over was, "Why?" Is there a point to this movie? The unavoidable answer is "no." All we have here is another lame excuse to put another superhero in the "Avengers" universe. What's worse is its poor attempt to get you emotionally connected to our hero through his daughter. It feels so force and has zero purpose to the overall story. This is, in my opinion, Marvel's worst addition to the Avengers universe.
BRYCE **1/2
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Mr. Holmes
LANDON **1/2
Ian McKellen presents us with one of the best performances of the year as the elderly version of the titular detective known as Sherlock Holmes. He's electrifying and really makes up for the film's lack of narrative depth. It's actually a really interesting story, it just never leads up to a rewarding closure. With that being said, it's unarguably a well made movie. The production and costumes look great, but what needs to be especially noted here is the makeup. Ian McKellen plays two versions of Holmes here. He plays him in his late 50's/early 60's in flashbacks, and then in his 90's in the supposed present timeline. The makeup looks fantastic in the latter years, and McKellen accordingly performs terrifically at both ages. Again, it's not a particularly rewarding experience, but it left me intrigued just enough to give it a thumbs up.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
When Marnie Was There
CHASE ***1/2
It's been rumored that "When Marnie Was There" is going to be Studio Ghibli's last film and, if that's the case, I'm really saddened by it. Not only do they release timeless classics, but they also gave us a great swan song with this incredible movie. The story is about a friendship between a very introverted girl, Anna, and her mysterious friend Marnie. This is a beautifully animated movie with very rich atmosphere that captures not only the loneliness, but also the calmness of the setting. The connection between the two girls is really heart-warming and knowing the backstories between the two of them individually adds great emotional heft to the movie. There are some scenes that drag out longer than they should, but this is a great movie for anyone who wants a deeper movie than just your standard, run-of-the-mill family fare.
LANDON ***1/2
LOGAN ***1/2
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Jurassic World
What would Jurassic Park have been like if it had actually been open to the public? The latest edition to the ground-breaking dino franchise seeks to answer this question in yet another misfire sequel to the 1993 classic. "Jurassic World" is entertaining enough, but fails to deliver the same sense of awe and dread the original is famous for. An over-reliance on CGI is partially to blame, but the primary culprit is director Colin Trevorrow's insistence on making this less of a dinosaur movie and more of a traditional monster movie. This is essentially "Godzilla" in "Jurassic Park" pajamas - a monster run amok that has to be brought down by other monsters. The whole thing has a very cartoonish feel as a result that betrays the spirit of the original. If you can separate the film from its predecessor and view it simply as a B movie with a big budget, there is some enjoyment to be had here. It's just terribly unworthy of the "Jurassic Park" legacy.
CHASE **1/2
LOGAN **1/2
LOGAN **1/2
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Mad Max: Fury Road

CHASE ****
I want to say up front that I had never seen a single "Mad Max" movie before I watched this one, so my perspective is from someone who's new to the franchise. With that being said, "Mad Max: Fury Road" absolutely blew my mind. This is an incredible movie. The story is really about Charlize Theron's character, Furiosa, as she tries to get a group of people away from a cult leader who's chasing them down and Mad Max (Tom Hardy) is stuck in the middle of the conflict. Director George Miller brilliantly keeps you on the edge of my seat from the very beginning to the very end with one brilliant set piece after another. The plot is very simplistic as the entire movie is basically just one huge chase scene. Usually that type of storytelling tends to make the movie stale as it goes on, but for whatever reason, it really works to this movie's advantage. The film always found a way to keep me on the edge of my seat and the action scenes in this movie are some of the best I've ever seen. The realistic sense of it all and the fear that I get from seeing our heroes in real danger is gripping and exciting. But something that I applaud the movie for is that it balances out the insane moments with some legitimate heartfelt moments as well, as we see the humanity in our characters in an insane world. The only thing I have against the movie is that I wished there was a little bit more time to get to know the characters, but I feel that's a very nit-picky thing when the movie does everything else so amazingly well. "Mad Max: Fury Road" is an incredible action movie and for those who love the genre, it's required viewing.
LANDON ***1/2
LOGAN ***1/2
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
BRYCE **1/2
Yet another Disneyland attraction has yielded a feature film in Brad Bird's "Tomorrowland." This is Bird's second foray into live-action filmmaking and while he has proven he knows what he's doing in this realm, he hasn't quite been able to match the brilliance of his animated offerings. This is a great-looking science fiction film with a creative premise and good talent in front of the camera. The visuals are, at times, nothing short of stunning. The plot is really interesting and suspenseful for the majority of the film but somewhat loses its way in the third act as it sputters into a pretty cheesy and heavy-handed conclusion. That being said, this is an uncommonly fresh and original effects-driven film and is worth a look despite its flaws.
LANDON **1/2
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Woman in Gold
Woman in Gold follows the story of Maria Altmann (Helen Mirren) who wants nothing more than to be reunited with an old family heirloom which was taken away by the Nazis during World War II. Together with Randy Schoenberg (Ryan Renolds), they find a way to retrieve the item from the government of Austria. The best thing about this movie is the performances. Both Helen Mirren and Ryan Renolds are very good here. They both work well off of each other and bring some good emotion with their chemistry. While the story is engaging and well written, there are parts that were unnecessary and dragged on. There isn't much more to say about "Woman in Gold," other than it is a good movie with good performances and an interesting story.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron
LANDON **1/2
The more Marvel keeps releasing films in their seemingly endless Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise, the more tired the audience progressively gets. Which is very unfortunate, because in the past they've brought us solid superhero entries such as "Iron Man," "Guardians of the Galaxy," and even the original "Avengers." Sadly the sequel to the latter film feels like nothing more than just another superhero movie. Marvel still impresses in the fields they've always been good at though. The action is fairly entertaining with some good visuals and legitimately comical quips from our protagonists. We still love Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers and the gang and hope for their success to fight evil for humanity. But amidst all the thrill and excitement, their's still the realization that there is nothing special about this flick. The story doesn't progress to virtually anywhere and there are some added elements (such as a romance between Black Widow and the Hulk) that fall completely flat. In other words, if you've seen the first film, you've already seen this one.
BRYCE **1/2
CHASE **1/2
LOGAN **1/2
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Furious 7
LANDON **1/2
The long running Fast and Furious franchise has reached the seventh entry, and to put it short, it's dumb fun. There is absolutely nothing special about this movie, especially considering how many movies there have already been in the series. But we'd be lying if we said we didn't have fun. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, the Rock, and the rest of cast show us that they still have what it takes to present an entertaining spectacle of fast cars, funny one-liners, and over-the-top action. It's silly, yet it's irresistibly delightful. If you're a fan of the series or of just watching dumb popcorn-flicks, look no more. This could be your type of movie.
CHASE **1/2
LOGAN **1/2
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
LANDON **1/2
The latest outing in Disney's growing library of live action spin-off films happens to not be a spin-off at all, but rather a retelling of one of the most classic and magical stories Disney has ever offered. It's the same story we've all seen several times before, which does knock it down a few points in our book. As pointless as the film feels, what really bogs it down is its inability to actually tell the story in a decent way. It starts off focusing heavily on Cinderella's strong tie to her parents and her mother's advice on being kind, but as the movie presses on, it changes its mind on what it wants to accomplish and becomes something completely new. Needless to say, there's problems with the screenplay. However, what they do accomplish really well is the look of the movie. The set designs and costumes are really impressive. The acting here is very solid as well. Cate Blanchett is great as Lady Tremaine, but it's Lily James as the title character that really takes the show. There was a lot of potential to be had, especially in such talented hands. The filmmakers just weren't quite sure what kind of Cinderella story they wanted this version to be.
CHASE **1/2
LOGAN **1/2
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
McFarland, USA
Typically, when a movie studio releases a new traditional sports film, they usually come off as safe and cliche, not even attempting to be unique or different. Does "McFarland, USA" hit all those familiar chords? It does, but you almost forgive it this time around. Disney presents us with a film that meets those qualifications, but makes up for it with compelling characters you can't help but root for. Kevin Costner is very good here, but the real stars are the young actors playing these kids running for their high school cross country team. They're full of heart and are really inspiring. It also helps that the film is well shot and blessed with a really cool soundtrack. If you're getting tired of the same repetitive sports movie formula, we urge you to make an exception for this flick. It's really good.
BRYCE **1/2
Saturday, March 28, 2015
The Best of 2014
Here at Bangerang Movies, we have a tradition of compiling an annual best-of list to celebrate the most outstanding films released in the previous year. This year is no different. To be honest, 2014 left quite a lot to be desired. Living up to the juggernaut movie year that was 2013 was a task that was nearly impossible to accomplish. There were quite a few really good movies released in the past year, just not a lot of great ones. That being said, the 5 movies listed below are all highly recommended and should be immediately added to your Netflix queue or Redbox wish list.
4. The Imitation Game
The most fascinating historical film of the year had to be Morten Tyldum's "The Imitation Game," the little-known story of Alan Turing and his team of mathematicians who broke the Nazi code during World War II. This is a fitting tribute to the heroic and ultimately tragic work of the father of the modern computer.
5. Guardians of the Galaxy
A welcome departure from Marvel's usual superhero trappings, "Guardians of the Galaxy" proved to be a funny and imaginative space opera that just so happened to be based on a comic book. This was one of the biggest (and best) surprises of the year.
4. The Imitation Game
The most fascinating historical film of the year had to be Morten Tyldum's "The Imitation Game," the little-known story of Alan Turing and his team of mathematicians who broke the Nazi code during World War II. This is a fitting tribute to the heroic and ultimately tragic work of the father of the modern computer.
3. X-Men: Days of Future Past
Director Bryan Singer returns to the "X-Men" franchise to right some of the wrongs of the previous installments and to tell a riveting story that connects the future of the series to its past. Drawing terrific performances from his cast and great story-telling from Simon Kinberg, Singer delivers quite possibly the best X-Men film yet.
2. Interstellar
Christopher Nolan is arguably the most consistently great director working in Hollywood today, and "Interstellar" is certainly a reflection of that. While not quite a complete home run, this space epic is a visually stunning, intellectually challenging and emotional roller coaster of a film and one of the very best of the year.
1. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Our pick for the best film of the year is the surprisingly great sequel to the surprisingly great reboot of the classic "Planet of the Apes" franchise. Director Matt Reeves takes the helm this time and amplifies everything that made this film's predecessor great: ground-breaking special effects, relevant social commentary and a fascinating character study. This was the most truly great film of 2014.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Get on Up
Coming on the heels of the wildly successful racial drama "The Help," director Tate Taylor tackles the life of James Brown, one of the most influential figures in American music history, with his latest film "Get on Up." Chadwick Boseman is electrifying in the lead role and brings the same excitement to the screen that Mr. Brown did to the stage. He has the look, the mannerisms and especially the dance moves of the Godfather of Soul down to a T. The film itself on the other hand is a different story. The filmmakers have attempted to tell the story out of order and switch back and forth between Boseman speaking to the audience and ignoring them altogether in an attempt to boost the artistic prowess of what is otherwise a very standard biopic script. Ironically, the film would have almost certainly been more effective if they had just played it straight with the narrative. There a few great performances in the film and some thrilling musical numbers, but the confusing and overly drawn-out storytelling spoils all the fun.
Friday, March 20, 2015
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

The first half of the final chapter of the popular "Hunger Games" series, "Mockingjay - Part 1" is a solid entry in the franchise. Following the events of "Catching Fire," the revolution has begun with the rebellion trying to overthrow the Capitol using Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) as its figurehead. This movie goes a little bit deeper into the political side of Suzanne Collins' universe as we see the rebellion using a propaganda campaign in an attempt to recruit as many people as possible. As expected, Jennifer Lawrence gives a solid performance as the lead character and director Francis Lawrence has done an exceptional job akin to his work on the last film. The story about the revolution is very interesting and Katniss is a great character to follow. The film does suffer from the final installment being split in two (which is all the rage in Hollywood these days). It was pretty obvious that they cut the film half-way through the original story and that the big climax will take place in the next movie. Needless to say, the ending is pretty abrupt. Overall, this is a very well-made film and those who liked the previous installments in the series will definitely enjoy this one as well.
BRYCE **1/2
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