
Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Angry Birds Movie

"The Angry Birds Movie" is exactly what you'd expect it to be: an animated movie aimed toward kids with some innuendos intended for adults.  To me, this was painful to watch.  Although the animation is nice and there's a little bit of entertainment (mainly in the climax), it's a very dull movie that plays it safe.  It tries desperately to be funny and has too many adult jokes to count that ultimately come off as annoying and, dare I say, cringeworthy.  The story is nothing special either; very cliched and by-the-numbers.  You can predict everything that's going to happen.  I know it's mainly targeting younger audiences, but it just didn't do it for me.

CHASE *1/2
This is a situation where I went in with low expectations and while I don't think it's awful by any means, it's not exactly good either.  Like Logan said, it's very apparent that they put a lot of effort into the visuals and it's something I kind of admired about it.  It just doesn't help that this is based on a smart-phone game and there's very little that the writers had to work with.  There are a few moments that made me chuckle but most of the jokes fall pretty flat.  I've seen worse movies than "The Angry Birds Movie," but I've definitely seen much better.



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